Functional Medicine Nutrition Counseling

About Me

Nicole Carroll, BSN, CFNC


Nicole has a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition, but it wasn’t until she was suffering with 3 diagnosed autoimmune diseases and feeling lost with how to manage through it all, that she dug deep and studied for hours and hours online and in books to find healing.

Since then, she became certified as a Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Practitioner, Certified as a Holistic Health Practitioner through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, and Certified with the Board of American Association of Natural Wellness Coaches. She now specializes in working with clients who have autoimmune diseases and the disorders associated with autoimmunity.

Nicole recently published a book entitled, “Autoimmune Disease and the Gut Microbiome”,  addressing how the microbiome affects our health is an important factor when considering healing of chronic systemic diseases.

To order the book on Amazon  Click Here

Do you want to understand what foods are best for your body with your issues? Nicole will look at the full picture of your epigenetics, bio-individuality & the environmental factors that participate in your current health status. We will address your emotional, cognitive and physical health, and when your first two sessions are completed you will feel educated, empowered and understand the actions necessary to find the healing you long for.